Sunday, November 27, 2011

How to beat money-market returns as a silver investor

November 27, 2011
With the low rates currently paid to investors in the money market and in this very low interest rate environment, we have to look for original avenues to find how to protect our money returns.
We think that silver is a very good investment, and it was proven to be one of the best for the last ten years. Since its low at $4.01 per ounce in November 2001 to the last high of $49.87 reached in April 2011, we were tested with wild corrections in 2008 and 2011, each time of around 50% from the previous high.
Besides physical silver, the best vehicle to use for silver investment is the SLV which is an ETF (exchange trading fund) for 1 ounce of silver. Friday 11/18/11’s close was $31.40. This year’s low was $27.41 (09/26/11) and the high was $48.35 (04/28/11).
In this financial world of debt crisis which saw the U.S. Federal Reserve come to help with two Quantitative Easing interventions  (QE1 in 2009 and QE2 in 2010), we think that the next QE3 will happen when the stock market will again fall down dramatically. The shock of Europe’s waves are starting to hit U.S. shores. When QE3 will be implemented, the stock market should stabilize and silver should shoot up. (After QE2, silver went up from $18 to almost $50 in the space of eight months.)
This is what we propose to do for those investors who accept to allocate 5% of their portfolio to a potential silver purchase: We will use the strategy of selling put options on silver. For example, when we sell an SLV put option at a strike price of $25, we are committed to buying silver below $25. If silver stays above the strike price of $25, at option expiration we will keep only the option premium which was given to us when we sold the put. It is very important that we accept to allocate the total value of our commitment to buy silver at $25 in this strategy.
The above strategy in action:
On Friday 11/18/11, SLV closed at $31.40.
All examples don’t include commissions.
Two-Year Put Options
SLV $25 Put January 2014 (Expiration 01/18/14) closed Friday 11/18/11 at $4.50 (Bid). If at expiration, silver is below $25, we get delivered silver at $25 (20% lower than Friday 11/18/11’s close), and we have to pay $2,500 for the one Put we sold (1 option = 100 x $25). In the case silver is above $25, we keep the premium of $450 per option ($4.50 x 100). What was our return in this case? $450/$2,500 = 18% over two years (9% per year when the money market is giving us very low interest rates).
SLV $20 Put January 2014 (Expiration 01/18/14) closed Friday 11/18/11 at $2.60 (Bid). If at expiration, silver is below $20, we get delivered silver at $20 (30% lower than Friday 11/18/11’s close), and we have to pay $2,000 for the one Put we sold (1 option = 100 x $20). In the case silver is above $20, we keep the premium of $260 per option ($2.60 x 100). What was our return in this case? $260/$2,000 = 13% over two years (6.5% per year when the money market is giving us very low interest rates).
One-Year Put Options
SLV $25 Put January 2013 (Expiration 01/19/13) closed Friday 11/18/11 at $3.15 (Bid). Similarly to the previous examples, if at expiration silver closes above $25, the return will be 12.6% for 1 year.
SLV $20 Put January 2013 (Expiration 01/19/13) closed Friday 11/18/11 at $1.58 (Bid). Similarly to the previous examples, if at expiration silver closes above $20, the return will be 7.9% for 1 year.
If a more aggressive strategy is followed:
SLV $31 Put January 2013 (Expiration 01/19/13) closed Friday 11/18/11 at $5.80 (Bid). Similarly to the previous examples, if at expiration silver closes above $31, the return will be 18.7% for 1 year.
Short-Term Put Options
SLV $25 Put December 2011 (Expiration 12/17/11) closed Friday 11/18/11 at $0.21 (Bid). Similarly to the previous examples, if at expiration silver closes above $25, the return will be 0.8% for one month (an annualized return of 10%).
SLV $25 Put January 2012 (Expiration 01/21/12) closed Friday 11/18/11 at $0.54 (Bid). Similarly to the previous examples, if at expiration silver closes above $25, the return will be 2.16% for two months (an annualized return of 13%).
SLV $25 Put February 2012 (Expiration 02/17/11) closed Friday 11/18/11 at $0.84 (Bid). Similarly to the previous examples, if at expiration silver closes above $25, the return will be 3.3% for one month (an annualized return of 13.4%).
In all these examples, we will not own silver at all if the market never goes below our put’s strike price at expiration. However, the amount allocated for the silver in the case of expiration below the strike price should still bring us a better return than if it were sitting in the money market.
The January 31, 1980 silver price (adjusted for inflation by the CPI) was $139.98. In the present economic environment, allocating 5% of your portfolio to silver (Friday’s SLV close was $31.40) and 5% to the above strategy should at maximum keep you invested at 10% in silver which has been one of the best investments during the last 10 years. Only the very unlikely but catastrophic scenario of a depression hitting us all could derail this investment’s profitability.
Everyone should remember that silver was money until 1961!…

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The debt ceiling battle

I think that John Boehner and every one in Washington should, "Get your head out of their ass and do some good for us"..  If your looking to cut cost you should look at cutting all aid over seas and pet projects that every one is doing..  START their first and see what you can come up with!!

The whole USA is not happy with the little games that are NOW taking place and it seam that no one is doing their job that we sent them to Washington to do!!

Man up and do what is right!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Gold or Silver which one to invest in??

It seam with gold fulling from the 1400 mark to around 1348 silver still going strong still up in the 29 mark. I think silver is the best way to go for now..

US Trade dollars are a good investment to look at as well as any type of silver dollars or any silver coins that have about 90% silver..  From the 1873 up to about 1885.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

When Will Gold and Silver Go Down?

Gold and silver are in a bubble, if the bulk of economists and financial pundits are to be believed. With no dictionary definition of what exactly a financial bubble is, we are left to our own devices to interpret the significance of such a proclamation according to our own experiences.

Lets say we consider a bubble the phenomenon whereby the prices paid for a given commodity, be it homes, coffee, copper, rubies or tulips, rises rapidly relative to an average market history timeline as a result of sudden and irrational investor demand, and then shortly thereafter sees a price collapse to a point lower than when the bubble started.

Consistent with all commodities that can have been categorized as recipients of bubble phases over the last 200 years is that at that onset of the bubble formation phase, the utile value of the commodity in question becomes the subject of elevated speculation in anticipation of an increase in demand as a result of a predicted rise in utile consumption.

In the bubble phase price curve, the steepness in the growth phase is exacerbated when the predicted increase in utile demand materializes, or is exceeded, which in turn fuels speculative demand for the commodity and its derivatives (ETFs, Futures, Options, etc).

Without exception, when speculation combined with enhanced utile demand take prices for the commodity to such high levels that they start to negatively impact utile demand (as replacements are sought and/or fresh momentum forms in supply to capture the advantage of elevated prices and margins), the demand curve weakens, which generally triggers a massive bolt for the exits of the specs who are most on top of that data, which in turn starts a chain reaction whereby successively more distant speculators from the negative data source panic and sell as the price drop accelerates, precipitating the proverbial popping of the bubble.

That, in essence, is the bubble life cycle as it applies to commodities.

Bubbles were once more or less the result of natural market forces, the cyclical essence of markets driven by supply and demand. With the advent of Massive Capital Concentrations (multi-billion dollar investment funds, mutual funds, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds, private wealth trusts etc), the effect on commodity prices from these speculative positions far exceeds, in many cases the potential effect from fluctuations in utile demand.

Now banks, and their very close and incestuous relative, hedge funds, are generally in a position to occupy two distinct advantage points over Joe Blow investor on the street. A), they have greater access to capital, and B) they have superior access to data. In speculation, information is everything.

Up until the age of computers and internet, which changed data and information transfer, as well as data and information analysis and strategy extraction, from long timeline processes to near instant timeline processes, MCC’s used their large capital positions to clumsily influence bubbles great and small by distributing data selectively and manipulating market volumes and price movements sloppily.

Now in the era of instant data flow and algorithmic decision processing, not only can MCC’s encourage bubbles with surgical precision, they can very deftly manage the curves associated with the bubble phases. Profit is maximized when you can buy your entire position at the low, and then sell all or as much as possible at the high. Then, if you are in a position to control markets, you go massively short at the high, knowing that your influence and your capital resources will both drive the bubble pop phase into a nosedive, but you will be able to suck up all the shares all the way down, or at least half way down, covering your short when all the Joe Blow suckers sell you all their stock in utter desolation, not understanding that they’ve been played like a tiny little fiddle.

The two commodities on the planet that are the exception to qualification for this scheme now, is gold and silver. And that’s because they have an intrinsic monetary value that all other commodities lack.

A thing can only be said to have monetary value if it is universally (globally), or nearly universally, accepted as a medium of exchange for goods and services. There are very few people on the earth who would not take gold or silver as payment for a service or good they were interested in selling. But only very specialized traders will take a barrel of oil off your hands or a skid of copper cathodes or a house or equities as a form of immediate payment for anything they might want to sell. This is the primary fallacy in the mainstream financial media’s categorization of gold and silver as mere commodities. They are not. They are disqualified from that definition because of their intrinsic monetary value.

And it is precisely that monetary value that prevents MCC’s from participating any longer in the precious metals markets. The transactional volume in the physical gold and silver markets is puny. ETF’s generally preclude manipulation because they need to take delivery of the physical gold and silver, unless they are ETF’s based on derivatives, which are intrinsically worthless and most likely to collapse if they incorporate any kind of short/hedge strategy.

The prices of both gold and silver have long been subject to price manipulation for various reasons.

Most recently, silver has been the target of ebb and flow bubble manipulation schemes that have more or less been caught red-handed by serious market analysts who scream and shout from their hilltop epicenter embodied in the Gold Anti-trust Action Committee.  Gata has been stridently screaming to anyone who would listen (which was mostly no one for the last decade) since 2000 that gold was being methodically price suppressed to impart the perception to the market by the largest criminal enterprise on earth, the U.S. Federal Reserve and the United States Treasury, that the U.S. dollar was a well managed and healthy currency.

As we now almost universally know, that is not the case.

One must be diligent not to buy the pure propaganda that emanates from the top universities on down to the Wall Street Journal that the Fed is an independent private enterprise. It is only private and independent in that it is not subject to the oversight and laws governing Federal Financial Institutions. Its influence, abuse, and fraudulent manipulation of markets and global economic public perception while using the public coffers of the United States citizenry makes these two institutions unequivocally a single criminal enterprise operating as public institutions.

The now famous manipulation of silver prices in an effort to “corner the market” by the Hunt Brothers in the 80’s, and JP Morgan’s incrementally growing infamy as perpetrators of the latest fraudulent silver market manipulation, share as their motive only profit.

Gold, on the other hand, whose motive for participation in a scheme perpetrated by the Fed, the U.S. Treasury, certain banks, and possible a certain major gold producer, were in the past initiated for profit, and I suspect that the value of the enterprise in orchestrating confidence in the U.S. dollar throughout the past decade was initially a serendipitous discovery that was promptly deployed as a weapon.

In any case, the CFTC’s increasing metamorphosis into a serious regulator from a puppet facilitator of such schemes has resulted in JP Morgan exiting the scheme largely as credible class action lawsuits from fleeced investors are empowered by the CFTC’s own statements and findings. The outcome of that is decreasing macro and micro volatility (week to week) in both markets, and increasingly steady incremental price increases – especially in the macro view of the last decade). The ability to influence supply remains fixed at substantially less than 5% per year, thanks to the unavoidable difficulty in sourcing and extracting new supply. Therefore, the possible market, and potential bubble, cannot reach a sufficient size in terms of volume to accommodate the requirements of MCC’s. They need massive volume of the physical commodity, and more importantly, an exponentially larger derivative market, that they can control and influence by virtue of the fact that they own the clearing houses and up until recently, the regulators who helped these markets stay ‘dark” or non-reporting.

The one downside as far as MCC’s are concerned with the new instant world is that with comes increased transparency, whether they want it or not. The bigger an organization becomes, the more it must cannibalize itself to continuously evolve efficiently. People get fired, bumped, overlooked for promotion, shut out of deals, not invited to parties – all these things have the effect of originating new competing MCC’s as resentment causes former members of MCCs to take their contacts with them and form new MCC’s. The seeds of destruction of MCC’s are thereby built into them in the form of egos. The one time the ruthless efficieny required from within MCC’s gets trumped is when somebody’s ego gets bruised. Thus Wikileaks. Thus Black Swans. Thus Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers.

Wending our way back to the gold and silver issue, the underlying commodity markets for gold and silver are limited, and now, thanks to the whole idea of position limits and transparency and reporting for derivatives markets, the size of any given derivative market must needs be directly proportional to the possible size of the underlying commodities market.

Gold and silver exempt themselves from that manipulation because of their monetary aspect. They are complicated by their dual function designations. They are each money, and an industrial ingredient that is consumed. Because they are in growing demand as monetary stores of value as a direct result in the appropriately crumbling confidence in the U.S. dollar, the pound sterling, the Euro, the yuan, and the yen, which collectively constitute the 5 major currencies of global trade, they are sought increasingly (and somewhat ironically) by MCC’s whose primary mandate is value preservation (Sovereign wealth, private wealth) as opposed to more speculative MCC’s (private equity buyout funds, hedge funds, investment funds) whose continued existence depends more on their ability to generate profit in some risk/reward ratio configuration that attracts their investors.

What is happening then, is gold and silver have left behind the human evolution point where they could be easily manipulated, and are increasingly resuming their primary roles as the primary medium of exchange for global trade. MCC’s are holding gold, silver and their derivatives, bought only as cash equivalents because they are now the lowest risk currencies to hold out of all the global currencies. ETFs are, in essentially, a return to the original form of banking, whereby a certificate was issued to the bearer on whose behalf the bank was storing a quantity of gold equal to that stipulated on the certificate.

Gold and silver are re-asserting themselves, in fact, as the only real money,(in terms of the definition of a globally accepted medium of trade) whose supply cannot be arbitrarily influenced by any single government, MCC, or special interest group. The more this awareness permeates the global general consciousness, the more that awareness will drive demand. Fringe pundits are absolutely right when they predict an exponential explosion in the prices for gold and silver. Never mind $2,000 an ounce, or $5,000 an ounce. I’m increasingly convinced that $30,000 to $50,000 per ounce for gold will be seen in this lifetime, especially as fiat currencies based on nothing are abandoned for mediums that more directly represent a real monetary asset, like gold and silver bullion.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

This is wishing every one a Happy New Year and lets hope that Gold and Silver will cont to new highs..

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Gold futures jumped as much as 1.7% on Tuesday, reclaiming the $1,400-an-ounce level, as the dollar fell against a broad range of currencies.

The dollar index /quotes/comstock/11j!i:dxy0 (DXY 80.29, -0.08, -0.10%) , which measures the greenback against a basket of six major currencies, fell as low as 79.956 earlier, from 80.34 in North American trading Monday. It lately traded around 80.396. Read about dollar.
The came under pressure earlier in the day after the Case-Shiller index tracking home prices in 20 U.S. metropolitan areas fell in October by more than analysts had predicted. See story on home prices.
Metals, along with other commodities priced in dollars, often trade inversely to moves in the greenback because otherwise the currency move would reduce the value of the commodities. Investors have flocked to metals, especially gold, this year, on a combination of their desirability as an alternative asset and as a hedge against the risk of future inflation.
Gold hit a record high earlier this year and is up 28% for the year.
Silver — a cheaper alternative to gold — has skyrocketed nearly 77%.
Copper also has appeal as an industrial metal that tends to benefit from global economic growth. It’s gained 29% this year.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Silver Forecast to Rise to $40/oz in 2011 and $400/oz by 2015

December 15th, 2010


Gold has fallen in dollars but is flat in sterling and euros this morning. Moody's has cut Spain's debt rating on contagion concerns which has seen the euro fall. Germany's opposition to further government financed aid is leading to tensions with the ECB, which is itself now under financial pressure and may need an increase in capital if it is to continue buying sovereign European debt.

Gold is currently trading at $1,388.70/oz, €1,042.18/oz and £886.54/oz.

Gold in USD – 30 Day (Tick)

The risk of contagion is real and many analysts believe the crisis will escalate early in 2011. This will lead to continued safe haven demand for gold and should see gold once again perform well in 2011.

The growing threat of inflation due to significant increase in commodity prices will also support gold. Cotton soared by its daily limit yesterday and copper reached new record nominal highs. Sugar prices have reached a 30 year nominal high and Portugal is experiencing a sugar shortage - the first European country to do so in 30 years.

Food and energy prices are rising internationally and the much heralded "wave of inflation" warned of for months may be gradually coming to pass.

Gold in USD – 1 Year (Daily)

Last night, the Federal Reserve, in a policy statement, said the economic recovery was still too slow to bring down unemployment, and reaffirmed its commitment to buy $600 million in government bonds. This will not do anything to restore faith in the dollar and will likely lead to commodity and precious metals making further gains. 


Predictions of higher silver prices in 2011 and continuing into 2015 came overnight. Standard Bank Plc said that they see silver at over $40/oz due to new applications and increased industrial demand.

James Turk of Gold Money said that he believed silver would reach over $400/oz in 2015. Turk believes that this price will be reached due to massive investment demand in silver due to a possible crash in the dollar and the emergence of inflation and potentially hyperinflation. Turk also believes that the massive concentrated short positions on the COMEX held by JP Morgan as alleged by GATA and Ted Butler will propel silver prices higher in a huge short squeeze. 

Silver is currently trading $28.99/oz, €21.76/oz and £18.51/oz.

Platinum Group Metals

Platinum is currently trading at $1,689.75, palladium at $744.00/oz and rhodium at $2,225/oz.